Complimentary Vein Screening
Service Description
Complimentary vein screening* Each patient’s condition is unique. For this reason, we offer a complimentary* vein screening. When you first come to visit us, we’ll review your history and perform a thorough and complete evaluation of your legs, to determine the presence of vein disease. If necessary, an Ultrasound examination will be scheduled to identify the underlying cause of your problem and help define the optimum treatment protocol customized specifically for your situation. Please wear comfortable shorts for this visit. The following is reviewed during the initial complimentary vein screening*: Medical History Visual examination of your legs Recommendation for Venous Ultrasound* (if needed) Review of diagnosis; Treatment options and plan * Venous Ultrasound Diagnostic Testing is considered a separate diagnostic test and will be billed to your insurance.
Contact Details
+ (859) 625-1723